Standing too close to the waterfall was like taking a cool, misty shower. Not a bad feeling on a hot summer day, but a little too refreshing in the evening. Still, the mist flying into the air from the waterfall felt good. It was invigorating after a short but strenuous hike.
At the beginning of the hike the young men received clues to a "mystery item." There was three sets of clues. None of the young men were able to discover what the item was until the final set of clues was given at the falls. Finally, one of the guys found the item: moss. It was growing in the rock crevices near the waterfall. 

Everyone had a good time. The views out over Ogden valley were beautiful. I expected a little more water at the falls, but it was still a nice sight. Hearts were beating and lungs were filled with clean mountain air. I learned a bit about the young men and the leaders by watching them and listening to them. Each person in the group has something to offer. It's a fun challenge to watch, listen, and observe their behavior. When i got home I grabbed a notepad and jotted down a few of these observations. The notes from each activity and outing will help in developing a program that will be rewarding--something that will be fun, but also stretch the imagination, the body, and the soul. I like the fact that those who participated set a goal to make it to the falls and then reached the goal. The rewards have to be pointed out until each comes to an understanding of what the rewards are. The rewards do not always have to be a prize, a gift, or something material in nature.
The rewards of this outing were simple: Beautiful views, the waterfall, Ogden Valley vista, the creek, trees and rock; the reward of setting a goal and reaching it; the feeling of friendship; the exercise, and hopefully, a feeling that as human beings we belong here.

As we hiked out, the sun was starting to lower in the horizon, but not low enough to shatter into color. I could tell it would be a great sunset, but we needed to get the young men back home. Besides, there will be other times for sunsets.

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