When I left home the weather was nice, warm and sunny. It was a beautiful spring day. The past couple of weeks have been one rain storm after another. I'm not complaining, the moisture is needed. It was, however, making it difficult for me to make a quick trip for a little fly fishing. Not so much the rain but the wind. Casting a small 3-weight rod and line in wind is not the most pleasurable experience.
The closer I got to the mouth of the canyon the more threatening the sky looked. Clouds were bunching up and darkening as they tried to climb over the Wasatch Range. I rigged up and started to fish. This was to be a casual outing, nothing serious. I didn't even take waders. I was going to spend a couple hours of relaxation and just enjoy the river.
I have made a little deal with myself, that when I go on a fly fishing adventure, I will try to never get skunked. I will at least stay until I catch one fish. It's kind of like the deal I have with shooting basketballs. I will never leave the court until I make a swish on my last shot. So, I stood in the rain and cold long enough to catch a couple of trout.
The rain began to wash debris into the water and the raindrops were plopping on the water surface making it difficult for the trout to see a small drifting mayfly. I had to resort to a movement technique to get their attention. I would skitter the fly and then actually let it sink under a little and swing it as a wet fly. Both of the fish I caught grabbed the fly on the swing.
I could have stayed longer, but it was a cool storm and I wasn't prepared for it. My hands and legs were getting cold. I could feel a slight breeze penetrate my back through the wet shirt.
I had accomplished what I came to do and that was to see the condition of the river, check for stoneflies, and catch a trout of two. With that accomplished, I could go home refreshed-- little wet, but definitely refreshed.
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