All content © Robert Williamson

All content © Robert Williamson

Sunday, September 26, 2010


In Autumn, slowness awakens,
and grasshoppers sit on asphalt roads,
lethargic from night's cold,
waiting to pop like sausage and grease
on a hot skillet.

Bees lumber with aching wings
sore from summer flight;
nestling deep in late season wildflowers,
fragrance mild and sweet.

Aspens shiver and leaves glide to the ground
providing quilts to warm the earth
before the final cover
of fresh blankets of snow.

Fast flowing water, once jumping, catching air
looking for clouds, now climbs over rocks
pausing for breath and gathering strength
before moving on.

Time is changed,
and sunlight mellows
as voices disappear.

The slowness has arrived
the air thick with quiet
it drips off everything
like wild mountain honey.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random Shots of Respite

Blue Pond Spring
One of My Favorite Dirt Roads
Small Grey's River Fine-spotted Snake River Cutthroat
Preparing to Feed a Live Hopper to a Small Stream Cutthroat
Riding the Old Cruiser
Bear Lake Scenic Overlook. The End of a Great Day.

Hanging in the Mountains

Green Canyon
Riding Double
Dirt Road to Solitude
The Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep

A Beach to Ourselves

Beach Boy and Girl
Strollin' Along
The Water is Fine!
Meeting the Breakers
A Couple of Nuts (Phylbert)
Beach Beauty!
Running a Barren Beach
Circle W Ranch
Opening to the Ice Cave
Sun and Shade
Resting in the Coolness
The Aspen are always Watching (See The Eyes)?